Saturday, March 8, 2014

Souvenir of Pain

She knew she'd find,
Under the wraps,
Cruelties of the world;
Alone she came,
And alone, had to return.

Was not shocked,
But just saddened;
This was exactly,
She knew would happen.

Found companions,
While going up the hill;
But no one to hold her hand,
When she stumbled down.

The world was busy,
Jostling to move ahead;
No one cared,
What broke, and, what was shred.

The bruises that were seen,
Evoked sympathy momentarily,
In the eyes of passers-by;
But none could see,
The stabbing pain,
That made her heart cry.

No howls were heard,
No tears were seen,
No ill feelings were bred,
A souvenir of pain,
And a heavy sigh,
Was all, that was left.

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