
Showing posts from September, 2014

Pellets They Throw

They question when you do good, Doubting the intention with which you stood; The lamp you were holding to show light, Is mistaken as devastating missile. The dirt in your hands, That was clinging while cleaning; Is scornfully seen as, Maligned interests of ruining. Every step forward you take, Threatens them; And, pellets they throw, To keep you away. Insecure hearts like these, Should know, humans are no one's property; You might put tags to claim your rights, But, love and care is beyond those boundaries.

अश्कों की सौग़ात

उम्मीदों का कत्ले-आम , मुहब्बत का जनाज़ा , दर्द का पैग़ाम , बेशक़ीमती तोहफ़ों की यह खान  …  अश्कों की सौग़ात , दे गये वो अल्फ़ाज़ , जिनसे हमारी धड़कन , कभी मिलाती थी साज़  … 

Final Goodbye

Its the eternal verity, The ultimate truth; All others are just, Hoodwinks to amuse. It greets us all, But only once; When, as guest of honour, Our name is pronounced. When and how, It decides to pay a visit, Is beyond all measures, Of predictability. Some face it with a smile, Some run away for a while; One welcomes or not, It thrashes all doors and comes inside. Face to face with it, I wonder how one feels; That moment of truth, What a peril it seems. The wishes, the memories, The guilt, the remorses, The anger, the envy, All evaporate in a jiffy. Life bids a final goodbye, As death engulfs its prey.