
Showing posts from October, 2013

Faith Wins Over Fear

It was dark, Thick clouds looming, Through the mists of the past; Thundering voices, Threatening noises, Made me stand aghast. Trapped I was, Unable to walk, And afraid to stop. The fear had engulfed me, Like a bitter enmity. I took a pause, Closed my eyes; A deep breath, To calm my mind. Ignited a thought, In my mind; "Everything is ok, I am gonna be fine". I created this aura, And I believed in it; My faith grew stronger, With every heartbeat. And here I was, Standing at the other end, Completing my journey, That was full of bends. This I call, The power of faith; When you truly believe in something, The universe conspires to make it your way. What wins always over fear, Is the faith, steering you clear.

Your Euphoric Smile

A spring of joy, That washes away All my grief. A source of inspiration, That sucks away All my depression. A ray of hope, That drives away All despair. A fountain of peace, That calms down All my turmoils. A recipe of Innocence and genuineness; Cooked with Care and affection; Garnished with A dash of warm shyness. The genesis of pure bliss, Nothing else it is, But your Euphoric smile.

A Flickering Thought

A flickering thought, Like a lightning stroke; Fuels the mind Igniting its grind. A flickering thought, Like a dash of spray; Adds color To the otherwise grey. A flickering thought, Like a note of music; Adds beats To the voices monotonic. A flickering thought, Like a wink of an eye; Exudes charm From otherwise lonely eyes. The flickering thought Comes momentarily, Disrupting the continuity; But opening new horizons Of ponderability.

Beauty of Night

An endless blue sky, Like the vast expanse Of life; A patch of clouds Scattered far and wide; When the noises Ignored in the Maddening rush of the day, Touch our ears Soft and clear; When the moonlight Appears so pure and pristine, Soothes the burns, And calms down the turmoil; When it shares a hope Always Of the rising sun; And fades away gradually, Kissing goodbye with humility, Promising a comeback, Ushering in the daylight; That's the beauty Of the night.